Atlanta Roller Derby Academy
Announcing Track
A roller derby game would not be complete without announcers MCing the action! From introducing the teams to offering witty banter on the mic, announcers keep it lively in the arena. This track will introduce you to techniques and things to know on game day to make the game flow.

Announcing Track FAQs
An Academy coordinator will be in touch with you soon. We will put you in touch with the lead of the announcer track and they will let you know the next steps!
No! If you are only interested in announcing, there are no dues.
Yes - the idea is to designate some league scrimmages as a kind of “dress rehearsal” for all the roles. There will also be opportunities to announce for our juniors and some other things throughout the year to sharpen your skills.
We will also pair new announcers with an experienced announcer when they feel ready to move up to one of the main event games.
It does help to know basic gameplay to get started. Doing the officials track as a non-skating official is a great way to get that knowledge!
If you have additional questions about the ARD Academy, contact us at