Atlanta Roller Derby Academy
Officiating Track
Do you want to participate in the excitement of game day without getting hit? Check out officiating! There are many roles that officials (affectionately nicknamed “Team Zebra”) play in a game - both skating and non-skating. The Atlanta Roller Derby officials track will have you fluent in the rules of the game and sending skaters to the penalty box before you know it!

Officiating Track FAQs
An Academy coordinator will be in touch with you soon. Officials can start right away without attending a recruitment night. Ref School happens almost every Wednesday, so we will let you know where the facility is and let our Head Officials know to look out for a new face!
No! In fact, many of the roles on Team Zebra are non-skating. It takes a large crew to keep the game flowing and safe for the skaters and non-skating roles include penalty trackers, scoreboard operators, penalty timers, etc.
Absolutely! Anyone attending Ref School may attend Bronze practices for free. You will learn all the skills you will need to skate for officiating in Bronze.
No! Only folks in the skater track that are not attending ref school have to pay dues.
No. The goal of the officials track in ARD Academy is to build up the crew to a size that is sustainable for everyone. You can certainly sign up for every game if you want - and other local teams often put the call out for officials for their games and scrimmages.
If you have additional questions about the ARD Academy, contact us at