Atlanta Roller Derby Academy
Skater Track
The skater track teaches participants how to skate and play roller derby—from “can barely stand up in skates” to the scrimmage level. Participants can learn at their own pace and move up levels as they gain skills and confidence. After they complete this track, they may choose to enter the Atlanta Roller Derby draft.

Skater Track FAQs
An Academy coordinator will be in touch with you soon. We will tell you when a recruitment cycle is coming up. From there, if you attend a recruitment night, you are enrolled at the Bronze level. If you miss all the recruitment nights, you will need to wait until the next cycle.
Typically 3 per year. It takes 8 - 12 weeks for skaters to assess up to the next level to make room for new new folks. We like to keep the groups together as much as possible because it makes for a better cohort experience. Pay attention to the ARD socials to find out when the cycles start. They are typically around early February, late May, and late August, but can vary.
Recruitment nights are a preview of what derby will be like. It is set up to be a “try it before you buy it” opportunity. You will meet your trainers as well as other ARD skaters and current Academy participants along with all the other folks attending for their first time! You will lace up (if you are comfortable) for some very basic drills. At the end, the Academy coordinator will give a brief rundown about what the rest of the track entails as well as answer any questions you may have that are not covered in this FAQ.
You do not need to pay dues until the recruitment period ends (typically around 3 weeks). After the recruitment period ends, there are monthly dues as well as annual WFTDI insurance ($75 per year).
You do not need your own gear at first - we have a lending library with everything you will need to get rolling!
This is the level everyone starts from. Here, we teach you how to skate, crossover, stop, and turn around. Once these skills are developed, participants can choose to assess up to the Silver level. Dues at this level are $35 per month.
At this level, participants start learning how to make contact. The drills become more about actual derby play and rules. They learn how to remain stable while absorbing hits as well as how to block others. They also fine-tune the basics and become even more confident on their skates. Once these skills are developed and participants pass the WFTDA rules test, they may assess up to the Gold level. Dues at this level are $45 per month.
At this level, participants join regular Atlanta Roller Derby practices alongside active league skaters they may have seen on the track playing in public games. They are cleared for scrimmage and must complete 16 scrimmage hours (one scrimmage practice equals 2 hours. There is typically one scrimmage practice per week) to graduate from Academy and be eligible to enter the Atlanta Roller Derby draft. Dues at this level are $45 per month.
This is the level everyone starts from. Here, we teach you how to skate, crossover, stop, and turn around. Once these skills are developed, participants can choose to assess up to the Silver level. Dues at this level are $35 per month.
Dues are an important part of affording our practice facility. So while it is expected that everyone pays dues, we understand it can create a hardship in some circumstances. Please work with the Academy coordinators to work out a plan that allows you to keep skating with us!
Also note that at the Bronze level, attending Ref School (in the Officials track) will waive your dues, no questions asked!
No, we have a lot of loaner gear - skates, pads, helmets - that you can borrow until you decide if derby is right for you!
No! We can teach you everything you need to know! That said, it does help if you have a basic fitness level starting out. There are some basic skills that you need to be able to perform comfortably off skates (such as squats and lunges) to be able to do the very basics of skating. If you are just beginning a fitness journey, roller derby may be a frustrating place to start since things that may be difficult (like squats and lunges) are more difficult when wheels are factored in.
We host a Sunday Funday that focuses on basic off-skates fitness to help motivate you and work on strengthening the muscles needed to skate. The name of the game here will be consistency. If you stick with it, you will see progress!
While not required, primary insurance is highly recommended. After the recruitment period closes for the cycle, you will need to purchase WFTDA Insurance ($75 for one year of coverage) if you wish to continue the skater (or skating official) track. The Academy coordinator will remind you!
The Bronze level of the skater track is open gender because it is non-contact. This level is open to anyone that wants to learn to skate for both the skater and officials tracks in Academy.
Officials stop after this level since there is no contact in officiating. Those that are on the Officials track but NOT the skater track may choose to continue to attend Bronze as long as they like, but do not move to the contact levels. They continue with Ref School, though!
Skaters who want to continue to the contact level (Silver and Gold) should decide which version of roller derby feels the best to them - WFTDA or Open Gender. ARD is a WFTDA member league and follows the WFTDA gender statement for members of teams.
For cis-men or folks who would be more comfortable skating in an open-gender environment, Atlanta Roller Derby has a close relationship with Atlanta’s open-gender team, Terminus Roller Derby (formerly Atlanta Men’s Roller Derby). We can refer you as “contact ready” and you can continue your training with Terminus!
That is an individual journey and depends on what your goals are. Assessments are offered every 8 - 12 weeks based on how well each group in a cycle is progressing. We do bronze-to-silver and silver-to-gold around the same time so there is room at each level for new folks and each level’s cycle starts over after assessments.
If your goal is to pass up quickly and get drafted, it is recommended that you come to as many available practices as you can - especially endurance practices - and work on things outside of practices.
If you are happy taking your time (or if it takes longer to master some skills), it may take 2 - 3 cycles to move up.
No! You can repeat levels as many times as you need to.
If you have previous derby (but not bouting) or skating experience and can perform all the skills safely, our trainers may offer to assess you up to the next level after a couple of weeks. This mainly applies to folks with a heavy skating background or derby skaters coming back after a retirement that did not feel 100% confident hopping right back into scrimmage.
No. You are not required to enter the draft. You can stay at the scrimmage level for as long as you like and enter the draft whenever you are ready. Once you are cleared to bout, you will be eligible to sub in a game for a team that is down skaters if you like.
If you have additional questions about the ARD Academy, contact us at